Kitesurfing lessons in Scotland - Skymonster Kitesurfing Scotland

Thinking of getting into the world of kitesurfing? You're in the right place! With our experienced instructors we'll get you going in no time. Most our courses run over weekends but we can accommodate lessons during weekdays - both for groups and individually. We have been on the market since 2004 and we are the largest and longest running kitesurfing business in Scotland.

Kitesurfing Lessons Scotland, Kitesurfing School Edinburgh Glasgow Dundee Aberdeen Troon Skymonster Kitesurf School Scotland

Lessons are run on the east coast - in Edinburgh, St Andrews, Dundee and Aberdeen and on the west coast for those from Glasgow on the Troon beaches. Our instructors are IKO qualified so you're in safe hands!


Depending on what you need we've got three different types of kitesurfing lessons available:

First Day Kitesurfing Course - £180

For those who want to either test the water or had some lessons in the past and want to refresh their knowledge. If you're new to the sport, here's what to expect on your one day kitesurfing course:

    • Theory and Safety training - not the most exciting bit but we want to make sure you'll know how to stay safe, how to read wind and to get some theory behind flying the kite.

    • Setting up & packing up the kite properly - making sure you're kite is safe to fly, there are no tangles on the lines and that you know how to set up different types of kites. You will also learn how to properly prepare your kite for launching. It also comes in handy when you want to avoid tons of tangles on your lines after a session!

    • Flying the trainer kite - you will learn basics of controlling a small foil kite before the water one. It will give you an idea of how powerful a moving kite can be and how easy it is to control it in the air.

    • Flying the kitesurfing kite - Time for the real thing! We'll get you hooked up to a proper kitesurfing kite and teach you how to fly it safely. If the time permits we will also endure to teach you body dragging - an essential skill for any kiteboarder that you will be using more than you'd like to getting you back to your board.

    • You will also learn how to launch and land kites safely and how to use the safety system when things get hairy. This will boost your confidence for the next day if you'll wish to carry on with your learning.

Kitesurfing Lessons Scotland, Kitesurfing School Edinburgh Glasgow Dundee Aberdeen Troon

Second Day Kitesurfing Course - £180

The second day will add the ability of riding on the board! Yeah, the most exciting bit after learning how to control the kite along with refresh of the body dragging techniques.

If everything goes well we will also teach you how to work on staying up wind - a crucial skill allowing you to go wherever you want to and not where the kite will drag you.

Added benefits

All our students will get an exclusive discount on their gear and a free access to our Improvers Clinic where we'll help you with polishing your basic skills and first jumps. You will always be able to approach us after your lessons with questions and we're always happy to help you afterwards

Get in touch!

Drop us an email to to learn about availability of the kitesurfing lessons or use our form here!

Our school uses only the highest quality equipment from Cabrinha!

Kitesurfing Lessons Scotland, Kitesurfing School Edinburgh Glasgow Dundee Aberdeen Troon

Get prepared and check our blog and some kitesurfing lessons tips before you head out! Some examples below:

9 Simple Kitesurfing Right of Way rules
Kitesurfing next to SUP's is one of the fastest growing water sports right now. There are a lot of new riders out there who, despite having lessons in the past weren't taught the rules determining right of way on the water. Here's a breakdown of how right of way works in kitesurfing and all other water sports - this includes larger vessels but don't try to make a tanker change its course. Bug on a windshield and these sort of things... (more)

Kitesurfing Lessons: Body Dragging
Body dragging sucks and there are no two ways about it. How to get get it right? Here's some tips and tricks from us... (more)

Kitesurfing Lessons: How to self-launch a kite?
Ok, so you're at the beach first, it's blowing nicely, sun is shining, tide's going out and there's no one to help you launch your kite. If the conditions are right, you've got a nice, clear area to launch and you've already have good experience controlling the kite you can launch it yourself. Here's how... (more)

Advanced Kitesurfing Lessons: How to do a Kiteloop?
Thinking of get trying to do your first kiteloops? We've got some advice below on how to go kitelooping for the first time whilst limiting your chances of getting hospitalised. We've all seen the movies but don't let that put you off... (more)